ICA Member Exclusive – AMA with Monte Cahn of RightOfTheDot and .HipHop!

Kamila SekiewiczAMA, Blog

All ICA members are invited to participate in an AMA with a domain industry legend, Monte Cahn! Monte has been a domain name industry fixture since the mid-90s, and he’s not slowing down! He has plenty to share, whether you want to hear about the early days of domaining or his current ventures. From SnapNames and Moniker to RightOfTheDot and …

The 500th Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Case! – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.23

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest, summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week, with two commentaries from Zak Muscovitch, ICA General Counsel. This week, a special case summary and comment focus on the 500th RDNH in the YouSwitch.biz case. Read About: ‣ The 500th Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Case! Complainant Goes After Legitimate Domain Used for 15 Years; …

The UDRP “Celebrates” Its 500th Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Case

Kamila SekiewiczBlog

Yesterday, for the 500th time, an expert panel under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy or “UDRP”, issued a decision finding a Complainant guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking or “RDNH”. RDNH is an attempt to egregiously misuse the UDRP to unjustly seize a domain name from its lawful owner. ICANN, the Internet’s domain name overseer, established its anti-cybersquatting …

The UDRP “Celebrates” Its 500th Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Case

Kamila SekiewiczBlog

Yesterday, for the 500th time, an expert panel under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy or “UDRP”, issued a decision finding a Complainant guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking or “RDNH”. RDNH is an attempt to egregiously misuse the UDRP to unjustly seize a domain name from its lawful owner. ICANN, the Internet’s domain name overseer, established its anti-cybersquatting …

Does Cybersquatting History Always Matter? ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.22

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s newsletter summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week for you. Read about decision on: ‣ Faca.com decision highlights evolution in views towards domain name investors over the past decade (faca .com)  ‣ Refiled Complaint Attempts to Target Domain Name on Sale (camco .com)  ‣ A Case for Multiple Respondents (officialglock19shop .com and glockarmouryshop .com)  …

ICA Member Exclusive – AMA with Drew Rosener of Media Options!

Kamila SekiewiczAMA, Blog

Bring your questions and join us tomorrow for another ICA Member Exclusive event – AMA with Drew Rosener of Media Options! Drew needs no introduction to most of our members, and you can learn more about him from a member profile he did for the ICA a while back. We’ll get started on Zoom, and Drew will also answer questions in …

The English Vocabulary is Shared by All – ICA UDRP Update – Vol 2.21

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s newsletter summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week for you, with  commentaries on wex.com and lifefenefits.com from Zak Muscovitch, ICA General Counsel! Read About:  ‣ The Importance of Trademark Chronology (wex .com *with commentary) ‣ The English Language is Shared by all Man-kind (man .energy) ‣ The Vocabulary of the English Language is Common …

Two RDNHs in Undefended Disputes and UDRP Infringement Discussion – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.20

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol.2.20), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read About: ‣ RDNH in Undefended Case: Evidence of Secondary Meaning and a Pre-existing Trademark is Required (EcoStream .com) ‣ RDNH in Undefended Case: Seventeen Year Old Domain Name (GoodLife .com) ‣ American Dentist vs. UK Trademark Owner – who got Dentally .com? (Dentally .com …

ICA Member Call on Transfer Locks

Kamila SekiewiczBlog

All ICA members are invited to take part in an ICA Member Call on Domain Name Transfer Locks, Wed, May 11th at 1 pm EST. Come and learn about the different kinds of transfer locks and share your feedback on how the transfer lock policy should be changed. ICA General Counsel, Zak Muscovitch is part of the ICANN Transfer Policy …

Decisions by Dreyfus, Lothian, Neuman, Swinson and more – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 2.19

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (2.19), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ Dreyfus Finds “Plan B” RDNH (canoncitypropertymanagement .com) ‣ Panelist Unhappy with Epik, Requests WIPO Report to ICANN (yovita .com) ‣ UDRP Dispute Goes Back to the Future (deloreanparts .com) ‣ Factual Claims without Supporting Evidence Eviscerates the Requirements of the Policy …