ICANN 72 Updates and New Appointments

Kamila SekiewiczICANN

The entirely virtual ICANN 72 wrapped up today. Our General Counsel, Zak Muscovitch took part in the meeting, which in part focussed on the ongoing discussions and debate of what constitutes DNS abuse and ICANN’s “inaction” on implementing policy recommendations. The next ICANN meeting will likely be a hybrid meeting held in Puerto Rico in March of 2022. Very preliminary …

Two Swedish Companies Get Mixed Bag Results, Reduction of Information, and more! ICA UDRP Digest – Volume 1.10

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.10), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ US Financial Broker Attempts to Take Advantage of Pre-IPO News of a Swedish Company (klarnapreipo .com) ‣ Swedish Complainant Could Not Protect its’ (Nordic) Nest (shopnordicnest .com) ‣ Respondent’s Identity Redacted in Exceptional Circumstances (securian .contact) ‣ Cannot Monopolize a …

ICA Files Comment on ICANN Proposals to Deprive Registrants of Recourse to Court following IGO UDRPs

Kamila SekiewiczUncategorized

In response to ICANN’s request for comments from stakeholders, the ICA filed its Comment today, on the Initial Report on Specific Curative Rights Protections for IGOs. This is an important issue that the ICA has been actively involved in for many years and ICA Board Member Jay Chapman served in the ICANN group working on this issue on behalf of …

Two IP Law Firms Accused of Cybersquatting, and more – ICA UDRP Digest – Volume 1.9

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.9), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ IP Law Firm claim of generic meaning in ‘LEGO’ rejected (legoip .com) ‣ Law Firms battle it out for the ‘Torrent Defenders’ title! (torrentdefenders .com) ‣ Lack of credible explanation leads to Transfer of descriptive Domain Name (vetexpert .com) ‣ …

UDRP Refresher: Jurisdiction, Common Law Rights, Requirements, Distributing, and More! ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 1.8

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.8), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ No Bad Faith, ‘Givn’ the weak Evidence (givn .com) ‣ Well-known mark (medtronic) v. Legitimate interests (medo+tronic) (medotronic .com) ‣ This UDRP did not click with majority Panel (clickbetter .com and clickbetter .info) ‣ Indonesian distributor meets OKI data Test …

Star UDRP Panelists Hand Out Big Losses to Complainants – ICA UDRP Digest – Vol 1.7

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.7), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ Complainant Agrees to Purchase Domain Name, Then Brings UDRP and Loses, Gets Slapped with RDNH (transcrip .com) ‣ Sky Fail (skycell .com) ‣ Arigato, Mr. Roboto! (smart-robotics .com) ‣ $6,888 Domain Name – Complaint Brings UDRP Instead of Buying – …

ICA Weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest – Volume 1.6

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries, WIPO

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.6), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ Attempt to swap website redirection foiled (uniswap .com) ‣ Domaining overpowers Canadian Healthcare Company (nuro .com) ‣ Too much of a hype by ‘The Hype Company’ (thehypecompany .com) ‣ Quixotic idea leads to shattered dreams (vandorp .com) ‣ The Vietnamese …

Food, Fun, and Friendships Formed and Refreshed at ICA’s 15th Anniversary Meetup in Las Vegas!


The ICA’s 15th Anniversary Meetup in Las Vegas recently completed.  The first member meetup as a standalone event in the organization’s history was held from September 19-21 at the Green Valley Resort in Henderson, Nevada, located just outside of Las Vegas. Despite a changing Covid-19 outlook, Kamila Sekiewicz, the ICA’s Executive Director, put together the industry’s first sizable in-person gathering …

For the First Time Ever: A “LIVE” UDRP HEARING!

Kamila SekiewiczUncategorized

For the first time ever, you can see a “live” demonstration of how an actual UDRP domain name dispute case is argued and adjudicated. The ICA is very pleased to present in association with the International Trademark Association (INTA) a “moot” or “mock” UDRP hearing. This innovative and lively session will feature three actual UDRP Panelists as they hear a …

ICA Weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest – Volume 1.5

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries, WIPO

Welcome to this week’s UDRP Digest (vol. 1.5), summarizing the most intriguing cases of the past week. Read about: ‣ Red Bull in a China Shop (redbullbeijing .com and others) ‣ Buttkicker Gets Butt Kicked (buttkicker .com) ‣ Turkish Car Company’s Complaint Not Up to Speed (togg .com) ‣ Don’t Confuse Your B&B with Your BNB, or AirBNB (hotelbnb .com) …