Domain name investors look for security and portability amongst other important factors when selecting a registrar. Locks can sometimes play an important role in securing a valuable domain name. When a registrar locks a domain name upon changing a registrant or changing registrars that may give the registrant time to notice an unauthorized change and better enable the registrar to …
Announcing ICA’s 15th Anniversary Member Meetup on September 19th and 20th!
ICA turns 15 this fall, and we’re thrilled to announce that we hope to be celebrating in… Las Vegas! It was a very close vote, but ultimately, you, our members, decided that you’d like for our first in-person event to happen in Las Vegas. With so many meetings held there in the past, it’ll be fun to reminisce about them as we …
ICA Member Event – The Domains of Brand Naming
We’re excited to invite our members to another ICA Member Event, The Domains of Brand Naming. The event will be hosted by Catchword’s senior strategist, linguist and co-founder, Laurel Sutton, and creative director, Erin Milnes, experts in linguistics and brand naming! Among other topics, you’ll hear about what brand names are, what they can (and cannot) do, about Catchword’s history, …
On Monday, March 22, 2021, Nominet, the United Kingdom’s registry operator for .UK domain names faces a stark choice between those who want it to remain true to its original purpose as a not-for-profit singularly focussed on efficiently and cost-effectively delivering domain name registry services for the .UK namespace and those that have more ambitious plans for the registry – …
Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Nominee Profile – Adam Strong
Because of his humble nature, you might not have heard of Adam Strong, our next Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Nominee. However, he is an industry veteran with 20 years of experience and an extensive digital design and development background. Adam has founded and co-founded several companies, such as, and has been known to selflessly help many, both in the …
Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Nominee Profile – Donna Mahony
Today’s featured Lonnie Borck Memorial Award nominee is Donna Mahony. Donna has been a stalwart advocate for domain investors and is the founder of Domain Boardroom, bringing together domain investors worldwide. Domain Boardroom provides a safe, respectful, and noise-free gathering point for the transparent sharing of advice, support, and industry news. Donna created this unique space 10+ years ago and …
Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Nominee Profile – Richard Lau
To make this year’s Lonnie Borck Memorial Award ceremony even more exceptional, the very talented folks at NamesCon, created elegant bobblehead drawings of all the Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Nominees. And since we think they’re too good to keep to ourselves, we’d like to share them along with some background on each of the deserving nominees. We’re starting with Richard …
Busting Secondary Domain Name Market Myths
The Secondary Market in domain names plays a critical role in Internet commerce yet is often misunderstood. This article clear ups some of the common myths that frequently arise when discussing the Secondary Market. The Secondary Market is a crucial feature of the domain name ecosystem which encompasses far more parties than domain name investors alone, who play an important …
ICA Member Event – Best Practices for Gaining the Most Value from your Broker
We invite all ICA members to join Kate Buckley, Amanda Waltz, Tess Diaz, and Larry Fischer for a virtual ICA Member Event on how to get the most out of a broker/domain name owner relationship. Do you feel like you get the most out of your relationship with a broker? What can you do to help the broker do the …
2021 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award
As each year, thanks to NamesCon’s generous support, the Lonnie Borck Memorial Award was presented during this year’s conference. The award was created to honor the memory of a well-respected and much-loved member of the domain community who was tragically lost far too soon and recognizes those who make an exceptional contribution to fostering a sense of community within the …