ICA at NamesCon 2021

Kamila SekiewiczICA, Lonnie Borck Memorial Award, NamesCon, UDRP

As each year, the ICA will have a large presence at NamesCon, and we invite you all to join us! You’ll find the agenda here, and ICA workshops and sessions are outlined below. – – – We have three very informative workshops prepared. The presenters know how to make policy and agreements engaging and have decades of domain name experience, …

ICA Member Profile: Sten Lillieström

adminMember Profiles

Sten Lillieström is the founder and CEO of Next Venture AB, an acquisition brokerage firm and a brand prospect domain portfolio, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Name: Sten Lillieström Company: Next Venture Favorite Domain: Lifesign.com Favorite Industry Conference: Yet to be determined Favorite Industry Blog(s): Domain Name Wire Tell us a little bit about your background and your personal story. I have …

Nominations for ICA’s 2021 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award

Kamila SekiewiczUncategorized

The nominations for the 2021 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award are now open. This will be the award’s fifth year, second since the award’s scope was expanded to honor those whose contributions have fostered a sense of community within the domain name industry. This change reflects Lonnie’s generous spirit and opens the nominations to a broader pool of people who can …

ICA Releases Annotated Domain Name Purchase Agreement

adminDomain Law

Do you know what belongs in a purchase agreement?  What rights are you selling?  What liabilities are you assuming?  How will disputes be resolved?  Are you acquiring full rights to the domain name you are purchasing? All these are questions that should be addressed in a domain name purchase agreement.  The ICA worked with some of the top domain name …

Uniform Rapid Suspension Not Appropriate for .com Domain Names

Kamila SekiewiczUncategorized

The Internet Commerce Association published a statement on CircleID which sets out the ICA’s perspective on the question of whether the URS is appropriate to apply to the .com and .net registries. The URS was designed for new gTLDs not .com and .net and has been shown to be unpopular with both trademark interests and registrants. Imposing the URS on …

ICA Member Profile: Giuseppe Graziano/LXME

adminMember Profiles

Giuseppe Graziano is the founder and CEO at LXME – Lisbon Media, the company that operates the investor-only domain trading platform LMX.com and GGRG Brokerage & Consulting. Profile Questions Name: Giuseppe Graziano Company: LXME – Lisbon Media Favorite Domain: Lisbon.com Favorite Industry Conference: NamesCon Europe (formerly Domaining Europe) Favorite Industry Blog(s): There are many great blogs out there, but the …

ICA Member Profile: Todd Han

adminMember Profiles

Todd Han is the founder, president, and CEO of Dynadot, an ICANN accredited registrar and web hosting company. Todd founded Dynadot, headquartered in San Mateo in 2002, and the company later opened several international offices in Zhengzhou, Beijing, and Toronto. Todd was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the US with his parents at the age of 4. Profile Questions …

How Does the Booking.com Decision Affect My Generic Domain Names?

Kamila SekiewiczDomain Law, Law & Policy

In an 8-1 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States agreed with the Internet Commerce Association’s position that under certain conditions, a generic .com domain name can obtain a trademark registration, albeit a very weak one, overruling the position advanced by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO had taken the position that no matter what, a …