Michael Collins Joins ICA as Executive Director

Philip CorwinBlog

The Internet Commerce Association announced today that Michael Collins has joined the organization as Executive Director. The ICA is the largest business association in the direct navigation and domain name investment business.  Direct navigation occurs when a consumer bypasses search engines, typing a search term of interest as an IRL in the browser address bar, leading to a site specifically …

Domain Investors Opportunity to Participate as ICANN requests public comment RE: Performance

Philip CorwinBlog

This is an opportunity for domain owners/investors to speak up about ICANN’s performance in issues of domain governance! As part of an ongoing interest in continuous improvement, ICANN is seeking community feedback about its performance. All responses are welcome. Targeted comments regarding several areas of performance, which have been drawn from the ICANN Strategic Plan, are of particular interest: Is …

Los Angeles Has Its Own Domain Name

Philip CorwinBlog

LOS ANGELES, CA — (MARKET WIRE) — May 03, 2007 — LA Names and CentralNic, Ltd. have completed the transfer of the .LA domain name to the CentralNic system. Dot LA has been available as the domain name designation for Los Angeles since 2001 and is now available on a wide scale. This means that businesses and organizations can now …

ICANN Obtains Restraining Order Against RegisterFly

Philip CorwinBlog

ICANN’s Application for Temporary Restraining Order Against RegisterFly Has Been Granted After what must seem an eon of pain to damaged registrants using RegisterFly, action is finally underway to migrate mismanaged domains away from problem registrar RegisterFly. <!–break–> 17 April 2007 Marina del Rey, CA — RegisterFly has been ordered by US Federal Court Judge, Manuel J. Real, to hand …

The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) Calls Upon Congress to React to Verisign Price Hikes

Philip CorwinBlog

The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) calls upon Congress and the Department of Commerce to exercise the strongest possible oversight over the increase in registry fees for .Com and .Net just announced by VeriSign. The seven percent increase for .Com and the ten percent increase for .Net are the maximum allowed under its registry operator contracts with ICANN, and come at …

VeriSign Announces Increase in .Com/.Net Domain Name Fees

Philip CorwinBlog

Both increased to maximum allowed by contract with ICANN: .com increased from $6 to $6.42, .net increased from $3.50 to $3.85.  Comes less than one week after the meeting of ICANN, Lisbon, Portugal where such issue was never raised, and comes at a time when the pricing of other Internet services such as bandwidth, access and anti-hacker protection continues to …

Registrars Create Resolution to Patch Holes in Registrar Governance.

Philip CorwinBlog

At ICANN Lisbon, Portugal, Network Solution’s Jonathon L. Nevett (Vice President and Chief Policy Counsel) read aloud what seems to be a start to more tightly monitor and protect against Registrar behavior.   from: http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/registrars/msg04656.html —————————————————————————————————————— Whereas, registrars only succeed if they provide valuable services to their customers; Whereas, registrants must be protected against the potential bad acts of disreputable …

ICANN Gets Religion: “Registrar Accreditation Policy and Process Must be Reviewed”

Philip CorwinBlog

President and CEO of ICANN, Dr Paul Twomey today called for major review of ICANN’s Registrar Accreditation Agreements (RAA) and the Accreditation process. “What has happened to registrants with RegisterFly.com has made it clear there must be comprehensive review of the registrar accreditation process and the content of the RAA” he said. “This is going to be a key debate …

ICANN FINALLY REACTS to RegisterFly (subsequent to ICA Posts)

Philip CorwinBlog

Days after the ICANN Termination was supposed to ensue for RegisterFly, ICANN has pulled back their suggestions to address RegisterFly remedial considerations at an upcoming policy and pontification meeting.  Reaction coincidentally the night after the ICA posts regarding same issue. <!–break–>  Termination of RegisterFly.com Registrar Accreditation Agreement 16 March 2007 ICANN today issued a formal notice of termination of RegisterFly.com’s …

ICA Leveling Playing Field: Combats Registry/Registrar Insider “Tasting” Advantage

Philip CorwinBlog

The ICA sent a letter to ICANN bolstering support for PIR. "The ICA supports adoption of the Excess Deletions Fee proposed by the Public Interest Registry (PIR) for .org domain names. This new policy would impose a “restocking fee” of $.05 (5 cents) for registrations deleted during the five day add/drop grace period when the percentage of such deletions by …