The Levine Lecture by Tony Willoughby – Recording Available!

Kamila SekiewiczBlog, UDRP, WIPO Leave a Comment

We are excited to share that the recording of the inaugural Levine Lecture is now available online for you to watch at your convenience. Whether you were able to join us live or not, you can now revisit this insightful event.

The lecture was a great success, with nearly 80 attendees reflecting the high interest in the topic. We were honored to have Tony Willoughby deliver the lecture, sharing his invaluable insights and experiences. Brian Beckham of WIPO provided an excellent introduction, and Gerald Levine offered his closing remarks, making the event truly special.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our speakers and to all who attended. Your support and participation are greatly appreciated.

We hope you find the lecture informative and engaging. Thank you for joining us for the lecture and we look forward to your participation in future events.

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