ICANN FINALLY REACTS to RegisterFly (subsequent to ICA Posts)

Philip CorwinBlog

Days after the ICANN Termination was supposed to ensue for RegisterFly, ICANN has pulled back their suggestions to address RegisterFly remedial considerations at an upcoming policy and pontification meeting.  Reaction coincidentally the night after the ICA posts regarding same issue. <!–break–>  Termination of RegisterFly.com Registrar Accreditation Agreement 16 March 2007 ICANN today issued a formal notice of termination of RegisterFly.com’s …

ICA Leveling Playing Field: Combats Registry/Registrar Insider “Tasting” Advantage

Philip CorwinBlog

The ICA sent a letter to ICANN bolstering support for PIR. "The ICA supports adoption of the Excess Deletions Fee proposed by the Public Interest Registry (PIR) for .org domain names. This new policy would impose a “restocking fee” of $.05 (5 cents) for registrations deleted during the five day add/drop grace period when the percentage of such deletions by …

ICANN Threatens RegisterFly Termination FINALLY after 1.5 yrs of grievances

Philip CorwinBlog

ICANN’s not exactly advertising this—no conspicuous notice appears on its home page and, more curiously, no update has been posted by the Ombudsman despite two prior postings about RegisterFly in the past week. A member of the general public would be hard pressed to find out that any action has been threatened.   ICANN sent a 10-page letter to RegisterFly …

The ICA Questions ICANN President on RegisterFly accreditation and remdedial action.

Philip CorwinBlog

The ICA acts on your behalf! Phil Corwin, counsel to The ICA questions Paul Twomey – President and CEO of ICANN, on the accreditation and remedial steps to be taken concerning the tens of thousands of complaints and problems of lost domains and potential livelihoods related thereto, with regards to the Registrar: Registerfly.com.    Butera & Andrews Attorneys At law …