Domain work part 2 – Sales by Mr. Sten Lillieström (LinkedIn) When the domain name has finally landed safely in your registrar account – against all odds – are you now an investor? Not in a million years. You also need to sell the damn thing. Without sales you were only ever a collector at best. Selling domain names on …
Panelists – Be forthright! The DWIcompanies .com decision
Panelists – Be forthright! The <DWIcompanies .com> decision by ICA Director and Domain Name Investor, Nat Cohen: There is often a disconnect between how UDRP decisions are reasoned and how they are written. This is particularly evident with the finding of bad faith. In making a finding about bad faith, a panelist weighs all the evidence as a whole within …
In Memory of Howard Neu
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Howard Neu this past weekend. Howard was a founding member of the ICA and a respected UDRP attorney, as well as the co-founder of many domain name conferences: T.R.A.F.F.I.C., Merge, and The Domain Conference. Howard’s remarkable journey before his significant contributions to the domain name industry included serving as the …
Domain work part 1 – Acquisition by Mr. Sten Lillieström
Domain work part 1 – Acquisition by Mr. Sten Lillieström (LinkedIn) The domains which domain name investors select for acquisition can vary wildly as noted in the previous articles in this series. But regardless of successfully identifying a domain name with perceived value, nothing is accomplished without hard work by domain name investors. As a consequence, when the initial selection …
The Brandable Idea by Mr. Sten Lillieström
The brandable idea by Mr. Sten Lillieström (LinkedIn) In the previous article we examined the laws of tradition as they pertain to domain investing. According to the The legacy idea, datapoints such as search keyword metrics allegedly reveal if a domain name is valuable or not. At the same time, end user preferences indicate that there is more to the …
ICA Member Meeting Pickleball Photos
We are thrilled to share photos from the member meeting Pickleball Tournament, AKA the Kubba Kup! We owe a huge thank you to Jeff Brooks, who captured these action shots and made them accessible to all of us. If you’re an ICA member, you should have received a link to the photos. Reach out to us if you haven’t.
The Legacy Idea by Mr. Sten Lillieström
The Legacy Idea by Mr. Sten Lillieström (LinkedIn) Domains are a truly remarkable commodity. They are all issued in the limited edition of 1:1 by design. So much for “stocking up on bestsellers”. As a consequence, domain investors must rely on their ability to build theories about the nature of demand, and to uncover evidence that supports them. How? …
ICA Member Exclusive Webinar “Web 2.5”: Bridging web2 and web3
This Thursday, Feb 8th, ICA members are invited to a unique webinar featuring insights from the forefront of ‘Web 2.5’—the intersection where Web2 and Web3 technologies meet. This session offers a direct line to the thoughts and strategies of those at the helm of companies bridging Web2 and Web3. Now, let’s introduce our expert panel, each contributing their expertise to …
The 7th Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Ceremony
The ICA Member Meeting in Las Vegas this year was a wonderful gathering of ICA members who learned, discussed, and connected. In addition to networking activities, sessions, and dinners, members who attended were also part of a very special event – the seventh annual Lonnie Borck Memorial Award (LBMA) Ceremony. The ceremony was held during the closing reception on Friday, …
Abracadabra! Get Ready for an Evening with David Stryker at the Meeting’s Closing Reception!
Magic is in the air once again! We are thrilled to announce that the closing reception on Friday evening will end with the sensational mentalist and magician, David Stryker. Last year, we set the bar high with Alain Nu’s show, and this year, we’re poised to repeat the success with David Stryker‘s captivating performance. Prepare to be mesmerized! This extraordinary …