ICA Launches Weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest – Volume 1

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP Case Summaries

The Internet Commerce Association is pleased and excited to announce that, commencing today, August 23, 2021, the ICA will be offering a free weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest by email. UDRP cases of note will be summarized weekly and sent out every Monday, beginning today. The ICA believes that this new service will provide an additional and helpful resource for …

ICA Weekly UDRP Case Summary Digest – Volume 1

Kamila SekiewiczUDRP, UDRP Case Summaries, WIPO

============================================================ Quality Carriers, Inc. v. Bests, LLC, WIPO Case No. D2021-1807 QualityCarriers.com  Transfer    Panelist: Mr Robert A. Badgley  Summary: Generic-sounding QualityCarriers.com transferred in UDRP proceedings. Complainant had a long standing trademark. Respondent had record of prior cybersquatting. No proper response filed. Brief Facts: Quality Carriers, Inc., USA filed UDRP over <qualitycarriers.com>. Complainant, a provider of transportation services, had a registered Trademark …