2025 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award Nominations

Kamila SekiewiczUncategorized Leave a Comment

We are thrilled to announce that nominations are now open for the 2025 Lonnie Borck Memorial Award! This award honors those who make an exceptional contribution to fostering a sense of community within the domain name industry.

Previous recipients are:

  • 2024: Jason Sheppard
  • 2022: Andrew Allemann
  • 2021: Michael Cyger
  • 2020: Ron Jackson
  • 2019: John Berryhill
  • 2018: Kathy Kleiman
  • 2017: David Weslow

You can learn more about the past recipients, Lonnie Borck, and the history of the award here.

Nomination Information:

  • Deadline: October 31, 2024
  • Eligibility: Any industry member can submit a nomination. The nominee should exemplify community-building, collaboration, and a spirit of positivity within the domain space. The nominee must be living at the time of the nomination.
  • Submission: Nominations can be made through our Nomination Form.

The award will be presented at an award ceremony along with the inaugural ICA Trailblazer Award at the 2025 ICA Annual Member Meeting in Las Vegas in January.

At our last meeting, we posthumously honored Jason Sheppard for his outstanding contributions to the community. This was the first time we awarded someone after their passing, and it was a meaningful moment for all. Moving forward, we encourage you to nominate individuals who are still with us, so that we can celebrate their accomplishments together.

We will remember those ICA members who have passed in a separate ceremony. At the upcoming meeting, we will hold a remembrance ceremony for another beloved industry member, and a recipient of an ICA Lifetime Achievement Award, Howard Neu.

Please take a moment to recognize those deserving by submitting your nominations—your help is needed to highlight the incredible people in our industry.

We recently announced the Trailblazer Award, which focuses on innovation and is best suited for companies and organizations. The Lonnie Borck Memorial Award is different in that it specifically honors individuals who foster a sense of community and connection within our industry.

We look forward to honoring those who continue to make our industry a better place.

Stay tuned for more details about the award presentation at our Annual Member Meeting!

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